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MP10 Rozšírený prestavník
[objednávacie číslo: MTBMP10KS]

MP10 Advanced Turnout Motor

The MP10 turnout motor is designed for modelers who require a reliable, high-performance switch machine compatible with the Tortoise Slow machine (TM) dimensions. With reduced speed and increased power, this motor is well-suited for larger scale models and offers versatile installation options.

  • Compatible with Tortoise Slow Machine: Designed with dimensions compatible with Tortoise Slow machine (TM) for seamless integration.
  • Reduced speed, increased force: Ideal for larger scales where higher strength is required.
  • Universal wiring: Can be configured as an electromagnetic or motorized switch machine, suitable for both three-wire and two-wire systems.
  • Four stroke levels: Adjustable stroke in four levels (3.5, 6, 9.5, and 12.5 mm) by positioning the pin in the carrier.
  • Integrated dual switching contact: For additional functions, such as signal control, with a capacity of 1A.
  • Easy installation: Convenient installation with a removable connector for quick and easy connection.

The stroke is adjustable in four levels by positioning the pin in the carrier. The cam mechanism ensures smooth movement to the end position and secure locking.

The MP10 turnout motor features universal wiring, allowing for three-wire connection (similar to electromagnetic switch machines) or two-wire connection (for motorized switch machines). This flexibility ensures easy replacement of original types without altering the track's wiring. For auxiliary purposes, the motor is equipped with two switching contacts with a 1A capacity.


Katalógové číslo10

MP10 Advanced Turnout Motor

The MP10 turnout motor is designed for modelers who require a reliable, high-performance switch machine compatible with the Tortoise Slow machine (TM) dimensions. With reduced speed and increased power, this motor is well-suited for larger scale models and offers versatile installation options.

  • Compatible with Tortoise Slow Machine: Designed with dimensions compatible with Tortoise Slow machine (TM) for seamless integration.
  • Reduced speed, increased force: Ideal for larger scales where higher strength is required.
  • Universal wiring: Can be configured as an electromagnetic or motorized switch machine, suitable for both three-wire and two-wire systems.
  • Four stroke levels: Adjustable stroke in four levels (3.5, 6, 9.5, and 12.5 mm) by positioning the pin in the carrier.
  • Integrated dual switching contact: For additional functions, such as signal control, with a capacity of 1A.
  • Easy installation: Convenient installation with a removable connector for quick and easy connection.

The stroke is adjustable in four levels by positioning the pin in the carrier. The cam mechanism ensures smooth movement to the end position and secure locking.

The MP10 turnout motor features universal wiring, allowing for three-wire connection (similar to electromagnetic switch machines) or two-wire connection (for motorized switch machines). This flexibility ensures easy replacement of original types without altering the track's wiring. For auxiliary purposes, the motor is equipped with two switching contacts with a 1A capacity.

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Nebezpečné pre deti do 3 rokov! Môže obsahovať drobné a ostré časti!

UPOZORNENIE! Modelársky výrobok. Nejedná sa o hračku v klasickom zmysle slova. Vhodné pre deti od 14 do 99 rokov. Nebezpečné pre deti do 3 rokov! Môže obsahovať drobné, alebo ostré súčasti - nebezpečenstvo prehltnutia alebo vdýchnutia! Pri modeloch pracujúcich s elektrickým napätím sa vyžaduje dohľad dospelej osoby! Transformátor nie je hračka!

Dostupnosť: IN STOCK 25 pc/pcs

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